Memory Improvement ? Memory Booster
A very common problem now a day is mental disorder. It is a very general term that covers all the problems that are related to our mind. These problems arise when our mind is hit harshly by external and internal problem. These problems are the facts that are consciously or subconsciously not acceptable to our mind. This unwanted feeling of acceptance of the result of the given problem leads to the creation of psychic disease, which is termed as mental disorder. Our body?s mechanism is such that it tries to come in harmony by it self but if the person is not able to come out of the problem that is prevailing, it leads to mental sickness. This results in imbalance in mind; behavior, attitude, reactions, tolerance, manners, actions and outlook or simply we can say the person becomes abnormal in his day-to-day activities. These conditions can involve any person, of any age, either of the two sexes, of any place and of any socioeconomic background.
Ayurveda has mentioned lot about mental disorders under the heading ?UNNMAD?.
Memory is a chemical compound often known as Ampakines. It enhances the functioning of neurons. Some other generic ways to improve memory is by starting to take memory training. One could practice games like cross words or brainteasers along with other memory exercises. One needs to consume a healthy diet that is rich in Omega 3 antioxidants and fats. Five smaller meal patterns must be followed so as to prevent the lowering of blood sugar which is the elementary source of energy towards the brain. Brisk walking and jogging helps in better blood circulation and have been proved to lessen risks of Alzheimer disorder. Getting good sleep and some stress reduction would help in stopping productions of cortisol within our body as it often harms the memory and said to shrink the memory center of brain.
But first I will explain you what is the memory?
Memory is the practice or retention, storage and recalling the past experiences and incidences that are allied with learning. With he help of learning one gains knowledge and the to apply this knowledge one needs this memory. Our brain in the organ that is involved in making memory available. Brain has two centers to store these knowledge these are short term memory and long term memory. Short term memories are associated with instant reactions, and are stored for a short duration of time. Long term memory or more commonly called the permanent memory is associated with concentration, focused approach and regular recurrence.
Ayurvedic Herbal Home Remedies for Depression Tips
1.Add some fresh Rose petals to a cup of boiling water. Add sugar and drink whenever feeling depressed.
2.An Apple eaten with milk and honey is very good to uplift a mood. Good Home Remedy for Depression.
3.Powder the seeds of 2 green cardamoms. Add to 1 cup of boiling water, add sugar and drink this tea twice a day.
4.A neutral immersion bath for one hour daily is also helpful in the treatment of depression.
5.Relaxation and meditation are also effective measures in the treatment of depression. The best method of relaxation is to practice shavasana or the dead pose. Meditation involves training the mind to remain fixed on a particular external or internal location. Mediation helps to create balance in the nervous system. Effective Home Remedy for Depression.
6.Diet has a profound effect on the treatment of depression.
Read About Natural Remedies Also Read About Bhumyamlaki and Memocare
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