Thursday, July 21, 2011

Avoid Small Business Ruin By Engaging In Self Improvement | Robb's ...

If you want to make a different kind of investment in your business, and your self, then simply decide to adopt a self improvement plan of action. What could you do? Well, what about the things concerning your self that you already have some awareness about. The truth is, and you probably know this, we all tend to hurt ourselves more than anybody else. So it is natural and does not mean there is anything ?wrong? with you. What happens is you are creating inner conflict, unknowingly, and your deepest beliefs are not in accordance with your conscious actions. Your conscious mind, though, has less influence on your life than you realize. You will need to have courage, but there are ways for you to stop the sabotage.

If you have difficulty with trying new things, then this could be just a case of being too comfortable with your own space. If that?s the case, then it?s plain you are not comfortable leaving your normal routines behind and focusing on something new. This is not a problem just limited to you. Almost everyone experiences this discomfort from time to time. Honestly realize that you are going to have to face, and overcome, different scenarios that will not be normal for you. It?s important that you identify the factors that cause you anxiety and the areas in which you can function in comfort. So perhaps the easiest way to work on this is to take baby steps. The secret is to start with something that is somewhat difficult, but not too threatening. Continue to plug away at your first challenge until it?s conquered. You will feel better able to tackle the next step after the first one is successful.

As a general rule, we tend to filter out, or rationalize, the things we don?t want to take into account. This is just human nature. We all know that reality can be frustrating and discouraging, at times. But there are jewels waiting for us even in such times, as well. Nevertheless, as business owners we have to maintain an objective outlook, or perspective. The only way you will know what you should do with your business to keep it on track is to make sure you perceive it realistically. If you truly listen to what?s going on in your head, it may help you see your situation in a new, clearer light. Wishful thinking is counter-productive, but most people do it and know when they are doing it. So be sure to eliminate as much subjectivity as possible, and your business will be stronger for it.

If you are at the point where you have outsourcers and actual teams working for you, then first of all that is great. However, be aware of the type of manager you are, and you do want to stay away from being over-bearing or interfering. All we would like to recommend is for you to note whether or not this is something you normally with anyone else. We know you do not want to do anything that will potentially be negative for your business. So, the first and most important step is to become aware of it, and then you can move from there. Controlling people have some amount of fear of the unknown and have to keep everything totally predictable. Once you understand that keeping that kind of control on people is not really necessary, then it will be better for you, too.

Using self improvement as a means of greater success in business is simply a smart approach. Also, it is important and interesting to note that very many business owners avoid doing it. The wise, successful business man or woman is the one who knows instinctively that if they work to improve themselves, their business will also grow and be more successful. There are those who become successful who don?t worry about improving themselves, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

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