I?m always inspired by commentors to my posts, but sometimes their own words are enough to be posted on their own merits?this is one of those circumstances?
This?post is one of that type of?comment from reader Dave Francis on one of?my posts.
I thought his response warranted a guest post and?since I?ve been unable to verify his status as a blogger and since I thought his comments so insightful but yet a little bit naive, here is his response to An Illegal Aliens Guide to the top five places to live in America:
His comments:
?Stop the Discretionary Spending on the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT invaders.
Notably the gargantuan problem with illegal immigration, both illegal and illegal is CHAIN MIGRATION. It stems from the initial legitimized individual who attains citizenship can then sponsor family members. Family consists of Wife or Husband, Child under 21and unmarried all all have immediate admittance into the US. A US Citizen can also sponsor a son or daughter who is 21 years old or over, a married son or daughter of any age, and a brother or sister, who falls into the DERIVATIVE category. The derivative classification has a waiting period of many years as it takes to process. The sponsors will need to demonstrate adequate income or assets to support the intending immigrant, and accept legal responsibility for financially supporting their family member, by completing and signing a document called an Affidavit of Support. Sponsoring these family members is all well intentioned and good, but the main issue comes when the sponsor, who must a sign an affidavit of financial support, intentionally or for whatever reason, fails to honor his commitment.
This part of immigration law, is hardly ever enforced so the recipients, have little choice but to apply for welfare assistance from the State and municipal government. The bottom line for any mass amnesty or as recorded Immigration Reform, gives those who are naturalized the right to petition (Form I-130 Petition for alien Relative) for their whole family, to legally enter America. But hundreds of thousands these petitions millions are processed and this has become an escalation of CHAIN MIGRATION, since the 1986. After the Hart/ Celler Act of 1965 when the Bracero Program was disbanded, the incentives and effects of chain migration perpetuated volume illegal migrants and immigration to the United States. In America? ?chain migration? and its terminology is to? enlighten people why legal immigration has quadrupled in replicating levels throughout the 1960s. As such, ?chain migration? is branded as one of the principal causes of the United States? current immigrant population explosion.
NumbersUSA, a a million plus organization that lobbies Congress for lower levels of immigration, states that, ?one of the chief culprits in America?s current record-breaking population boom and all the attendant sprawl, traffic congestion, school overcrowding, health care deterioration, street garbage and other impacts that reduce American?s quality of life. NumbersUSA cites the tradition of chain migration to America as a main cause for creating incentives for undocumented immigration.
NumbersUSA, FAIR, and other groups are working to change immigration law to limit chain migration laws. NumbersUSA cites a specific bill it supports. ?On Feb. 4, 2009, Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA) introduced the Nuclear Family Priority Act (H.R. 878). The bill would eliminate the extended family visa categories (e.g., married sons and daughters of citizens, etc.), thus ending ?chain migration? as optional by the bi-partisan Barbara Jordan Commission in 1997.
Today, passage of the Dream Act is cause for worry or any kind of mass Immigration Reform, would jeopardize the minimum of entrances to the US, through CHAIN MIGRATION. One point to this quandary is America has a major deficit problem, that has risen to new heights of $14.5 Trillion dollars under President obama?s signature hand. Simply put, we cannot afford to be the breadwinner for the rest of the world anymore. If we haven?t the cash anymore to pay the Chinese Investors and others, how can we afford an Amnesty estimated to cost $2.6 Trillion dollars? Never mind the original giant Amnesty of the 1986 Immigration Control and reform Act, cost only 76 Billion dollars. This is just a projection of the Census Bureau?s 11 million illegal aliens who have homesteaded here. But most activist organizations are of the opinion, there are more than 20 million living illegally in the US, while 8 million plus foreigners have employment.
In this dragging recession how can Democrats, even discuss such an issue? Have the liberal progressives lost their minds, when there are 13 million American out of a job? It?s too incomprehensible, to even conceive such an awful situation for the lower income workers having to compete with this new source of potential hires? The majority of illegal aliens today are-ECONOMIC; they are here for their share of discretionary spending at Federal, State or Municipal level.
One of the largest costs that would certainly make a difference is cutting benefits to illegal aliens.? $113 Billion dollars, from the Federal government, that is not counting State, County and community for these hundreds of welfare and public services.? Few know the amount of money paid out to parents of a child that receives an immediate birthright citizenship.? Each child receives entitlements of what US citizens get, even though the parents are illegal.
EACH YEAR 300.000??? PLUS BABIES ARE SMUGGLED ANNUALLY INTO AMERICA IN THE MOTHERS WOMB, TO GAIN THE SPECIAL PRIVILEGE OF A MISINTERPRETED LAW; THE 14TH AMENDMENT. Once here and the parents are allowed to stay, the?ECONOMIC?family can then collect from taxpayers.? So what does these entitlements consist of to the taxpayer? For a start cash payments of around $600.00 according to the State, that can double, triple for ever baby born. Food stamps, Medicaid Wic (WIC) is a nutrition program for women, infants and children), (TANF) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and Low Income housing. The most disturbing effect of this particular issue, that other family member can join those already here and hid away in their government backed homes.
As thousands of people join the TEA PARTY, it is obvious that they have the right avenue towards building a better tomorrow. Their ticket to the 2012 elections is less government, less taxes (A fair taxing system, without loopholes for everybody) and reducing Illegal Immigration to a real trickle. When states like Arizona cannot rely on the US government, to construct the?REAL FENCE?at the border, then it has been forced by huge entitlement programs for foreign nationals crossing our sovereign perimeter to build another 78 miles of the fence through public and commercial donations. States are waking up as the look at their dwindling amounts of money in their treasuries? California, the first Sanctuary State that?s Liberal Congress, gives away freely benefits to millions of illegal alien homes. That?s why they are trying to climb out of a giant financial hole of $26 Billion dollars. ALABAMA, GEORGIA, ARIZONA are doing the right thing for their legal population, by enacting policing laws. Many states looking on are now supporting these restriction issues, because both political parties have ignored the laws to aid taxpayers. These new laws are?WORKING? because thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands are deserting these?zero tolerant?States and rushing of to California, Nevada and other refuge States.
Insist you?re Representative in Washington, that they rescind any Immigration reform bills, Sanctuary Cities and state, the Dream Act and anything that has the rotten stench of AMNESTY. Liberals and open border brain-dead individuals, always refer to every foreign aliens, as ?Immigrants?? tying everybody together in one population. No matter your country of origin, whether Hispanic, European, Asian or the Pacific Rim, if you come here legally, there should be no fear of the E-Verify and Secure Communities. TO REPEAT ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE NOT IMMIGRANTS. THEY ARE ILLEGAL AND ENTERED A SOVEREIGN COUNTRY WITHOUT PERMISSION. LEGAL HIGHLY SKILLED WORKERS SHOULD HAVE ACCESS TO PRIVILEGED VISAS, BUT WE MUST REMOVE THROUGH WHATEVER MEANS POSSIBLE TO DEPORT ILLEGAL Currently, illegal aliens are not only stealing jobs (should be a felony) from less schooled citizens, but residents and even students during the seasonable recess. NATIONALS. This is a very distasteful situation but birthright citizens and legal non-citizen individuals have a right to be employed over foreign nationals.?
He included representative phone numbers and e-mail addresses for the congresspeople that might represent his interests?Dave I hate to tell you this but they don?t give a rat?s ass about?your concerns?
I do, that?s why I write this blog?
Dave, you?re better off working with individuals like me and all my compadres in this sphere to get the?information out there?that we all are going to?need?when the?inevitable collapse happens?that?s when we find out who is with us or against us?
It?s not going to be?any of your?(supposedly) elected representatives?
Source: http://veritasaculeus.wordpress.com/2011/07/25/from-dave-francis/
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